Sunday, 18 March 2012

RC Plane Video part 1; Windows Live Movie Maker.

If you aren't looking for all that many bells and whistles?  Windows Live Movie Maker is great for turning your RC plane video into something ready to upload to Youtube.

Windows Live Moviemaker is part of the free Windows Live Essentials package which you can download here;

You will want to install the K-Lite codec pack to use with Windows Live Movie Maker.  It uses system installed codecs to read video files and installing this will all but guarantee that Moviemaker will be able to read the files from your video camera;

WLMM is suprisingly powerful considering that it's free.  It has a good range of titles and transitions and even a few effects you can play with.  It also has an "Automovie" feature where you can pick a these and it will add your titles, transitions and credits for you, all you have to do is fill in the text!

This is a video I made for my wife's Youtube on making a shideshow.  Video uses the same basic principles!

If you are just looking to make something a little more slick than just a block of video, Windows Live Movie Maker is easy to use and does a commendable job for average joe.

Of course it is limited in what it can do.  It only works with a single video track (though you can load multiple videos into it) and only has one extra audio track meaning you have to choose between adding Music or a voice over.  But it's free, it's easy to use and has more features than some of the low-end paid-for products.

This video was done with Windows Live Movie Maker in about 20 minutes;

Windows Live Movie Maker is well worth giving a look even if you have something better. You can throw a movie together in under 5 minutes ready to upload to youtube etc if you just want the job done fast. It's also simple enough that the kids can learn the basics of video editing!

Of course it lacks some of the things you really want to be looking at like zoom and image stabilization when considering RC plane videos but if you don't care about that sort of thing?  There's no reason to pay for a video editor that will do the job.

Coming Soon;  RCPlane Video; Cyberlink Powerdirector.

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