Recently on Flight Test's Youtube channel they reviewed a scratchbuilt F-22 foamy. Looking at the comments section it became clear that the review got lost and it's become a pissing match on who is the best plane designer and whatnot.
I find myself wondering how Josh and Josh feel that their video is now somewhat redundant because of the replies. That, despite their positive intent to bring a bit of fun and happy into the world it's been railroaded into a stream of back and forth rubbish from "fanboys" and "haters".
So you know what? Here's my spin on things.
I'm an RCPowers Fanboy and I'm definately not scared to admit it. My youtube channel being full of videos of the RCP F-22 V1 is probably a dead giveaway anywho. I have about 5 of their planes and I enjoy most of them regularly.
What I really don't understand is when Fanboy crosses the line into OCD. When RCP, RCFF, 6mmFlyRC etc becomes the only thing worth looking at. They all have planes worth looking at IMO, even though I'm an RCPowers fanboy.
I mean, seriously speaking, what is the point of letting your like for a certain designer or website get in the way of looking at others where you might find a plane that you are going to like just as much?
I look at RCFoamFighters a fair bit. I'm not really into the speed planes they seem to specialise in, so the majority of it I'll never build, but it's still interesting to go and read. On the planes, the Nova is wicked fast but just doesn't interest me, sure. The Aurora though? Now that's a nice looking plane I could get behind. It's by a different designer so it's not going to have the performance characteristics that I love in the RCP designs but... It's sweet looking plane, slick and fast and it's something I'm not going to get from RCPowers.
So... What's the point of not considering it? It's not like I need to show some solidarity for starving kids in Africa, people suffering under oppressive military regiemes or trying to save the amazon rainforest.
It's an RC plane built out of a sheet of foam with some electronics stuck onto to it. It's just a couple hours of fun with the lads. So if I get a couple hours of fun with the lads out of it... Why should who designed it really matter?
Do I tell people looking at getting into Scratchbuilt RC planes to go to RCPowers? Sure I do. If they are beginners that's about all I tell them because RCP specialises in beginner friendly planes. But if they are looking for a speed plane? I mention the RCP T-50 V1 but also send them to RCFoamFighters too. Thats' what RCFF are good at so what reason is there not to? If they are an SR-71 plan? I'll send them links to popular SR-71's with good reports from people who built them regardless of the source.
I really, truly, think that a lot of people are cutting off their nose to spite their face. There's a lot of good stuff out there, don't let your fanboyhood get in the way of you finding it.
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