So I changed the blog around a bit. I've had some complaints about the old black format so I moved to something a little more colourful and cheerie (as well as easier to read!).
I've been toying with it off and on, between spending far more time on my wife's blog,. Her blog has given me a chance to add and shuffle features to try them out and see what works and what doesn't. I'm far more ready to begin some serious work on my own now.
I've got plans for some upgrades to the blog with more constant and more informative posts about my spin on the Scratchbuilt Foamy portion of the RC plane hobby. It will take a while though, it's a lot of fact checking to try to avoid spreading bad information! It also involves some Multimedia stuff which will take some time to produce.
My Youtube channel is also going to get more than just flight videos soon. I plan on doing a few instructional videos and some opinion-based vids too. Hopefully it all works out in the end!
Tax time is almost here too so I'll have a new case of Depron! Australia is a bit of a bumer for Depron or other foams with a single sheet costing you about $25 after shipping :P. The new case should see my Build Logs blog start to populate itself around late july or early august some time!
There should be a few RCPowers planes, I'm going to do some Tom Hellberg planes and there's a couple designed by the guys in the RCPowers and RCGroups forums I'd like to make too. This should see my Youtube channel get populated with larger variety of planes than the RCPowers F-22. Of course, being one of my favourite planes, it will still make appearances!
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